Volatility is Expected Due to UK Parliament’s Vote on EU Brexit Deal
Please be reminded that the UK parliament is scheduled to vote on PM Theresa May’s EU Brexit Deal on Tuesday, 15 January 2019. An increase in volatility is expected for all GBP currency crosses.
During this period of expected volatility and unpredictability, please ensure that your margin collateral is properly managed in the period leading up to, during, and shortly after the event – as such periods of heightened volatility can create possibilities of significant price gaps and periods of illiquidity, which can potentially put your account on a margin call.
We would like to stress that Stop Loss Orders are not guaranteed to be filled at your order level; Stop Orders are converted to Market Orders once triggered, and dislocations in available liquidity could result in significant slippage on Stop Orders.
Please note that there will be no changes to margin requirements.
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