Forex Alerts & Timely Trading
The modern Forex market is fountain of data and information that is distributed to almost every corner of the world via the internet and social media networks. The Forex markets operate 24 hours a day, 5 days a week across the globes financial centres. These markets encompass dozens of FX pairs and crosses, whose prices react continuously to a constant stream of data, order flow and sentiment changes. In truth there is far too much information generated in today's Forex markets for any one individual to consume and sensibly comprehend. Apart from anything else we all need to sleep sometime.
Swing Trading Trends & How to Use Them
Swing Trading is a shorter term trading strategy that is popular among FX and CFD traders. Swing Trading positions are typically held for a matter hours though traders may hold the position for longer under the right circumstances.
The aim of Swing Trading is to firstly identify and confirm a trend, then to enter a trade and capture as much of the upward or downward movement of that trend as possible.
Commodity Trading – A Different Way
Commodity Trading has been conducted amongst consumers and producers since the beginnings of human civilisation. Raw materials such as Iron Ore, Copper, Tin, Wheat, Salt and Spices moved around the globe on ancient trade routes such as the silk road for thousands of years. Empires rose, expanded and fell but trade continued.The situation is no different in today's globalised modern economies. Key commodities are extracted in one continent and shipped, perhaps for thousands of miles,to consumers on another. A whole supply and logistics chain has developed to facilitate this trade, one key part of this support network is the Commodity Markets.
Forex Signals You Can Use Today
Perhaps more than any other market Forex trading lends itself to the use of Technical and Quantitative Analysis and as result of that to the use of Forex Signals to drive trading decisions. In our article on Currency Charts we discuss some of the basic concepts around Technical Analysis, some popular studies and indicators and the sort of signals that are of interest to traders.
Hedging Forex Tips for Winners
Forex Hedging was one of the main drivers behind the explosive growth of the FX markets that gathered momentum the early 1980s. Foreign Exchange controls which had restricted the movement of capital were abandoned in the UK in 1979. As a result companies could mitigate their FX exposure and were able to plan for the future and price their products accordingly.